The Joe Blow Report 2

Everything Is About Something Different

Where are all the “Nation of Law” Americans?

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A recent article in Amnesty International’s Human Rights Now web log.

This caught my attention:

Kangaroos Storm DC to Close Guantanamo!

Kangaroos? YEAH!  People that “demand an end to unfair kangaroo courts, indefinite detention and impunity for torture.”

Here’s a specific incident and person they illustrate:

Amnesty International UK and Amnesty USA are campaigning to resolve the case of Shaker Aamer, a former UK resident with a wife and children in London who has been held without charge for over 8 years.  The UK government has asked for him back–UK Foreign Secretary William Hague even raised the case with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton–but Shaker Aamer remains detained without charge and without explanation.

We are calling on the US government to either charge Shaker Aamer with a crime and give him a fair trial in US federal court, or release him. You can help resolve this case and get us one step closer to closing Guantanamo by emailing Secretary Clinton and President Obama right now.

Personally, emailing Secretary Clinton and President Obama after reading this article by Glenn Greenwald,

The vindication of Dick Cheney or this Brookings’ “centrist” opposition to the rule of law

makes me wonder about the real-world benefit of writing to the very people instigating and empowering these lawless atrocities. Maybe we should be talking with our neighbors that support these criminals.


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